Is URP doesn't support opening RenderTextureMemoryless.Depth or MSAA in IOS system?

I make a demo to verify this problem: A secondary camera captures a rotating capsule and render it to RT. Use RawImage to display this RT. Two toggles are set to control RenderTextureMemoryless.Depth and
RenderTextureMemoryless.MSAA separately. RT data will be set up again when toggles’ value changed. The code just like:

RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless = RenderTextureMemoryless.None;
memoryless |= RenderTextureMemoryless.Depth;
memoryless |= RenderTextureMemoryless.MSAA;
rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, antiAliasing, memoryless);

Build an IOS project and run in iPhone, it 's fine when both two toggles are disabled. But App will stuck(put it another way, crash) when I enable either of them.

I try URP12.1.7(Unity version 2021.3.8) and latest URP15(Unity version 2023.1). Same issue. Is URP really doesn’t support the feature what I mentioned in IOS or I forgot to set up something? Thanks a lot for your help.

Machine: iPhone 7
OS: IOS 15.4

Xcode Debug Info: