ISerializationCallbackReceiver working with structs now?

so according to the docs: Unity - Scripting API: ISerializationCallbackReceiver

“Currently the callback interface only works with classes; it won’t work with structs.”

However, I wanted to see this for myself, and sure enough I do receive the callbacks on structs!
Just wanted to make sure I’m not missing anything here and it’s safe to assume that these callbacks actually do work on structs now and the Docs are just outdated?


They’re called sure.

But I’m willing to bet the updating of the state doesn’t hold as expected due to the way boxing of structs works. You might end up updating the state of a copy rather than the actual value found in whatever component/scriptableobject the struct is a member of.

Ah yeah you’re probably right. Think I’ll just avoid them in structs, too many unknowns