Island Escape 2 - A RPG, FPS and sandbox game is now available for free!

Hey, guys.

Some years ago, I developed a RPG, FPS game that was inspired by Oblivion, Call of Duty and Minecraft. I probably spent over a thousand hours making the game. It was a huge part of life, and I had big plans for it. But then I started college and my motivation for developing the game slowly disappeared. You could previously buy the game on Desura, but they went bankrupt so I’ve decided to release the game for free on IndieDB.

Get it here for Windows, Mac and Linux: Downloads - Island Escape 2 - IndieDB

In the game, you start on a deserted island with nothing. In order to survive you have to do quests and get powerful weapons. The game features quests, cool weapons, crafting, Minecraft-building, a car and a lot more. The game has a steep learning curve, and the tutorial isn’t very helpful, but if you can get pass that, it’s fun!

The game is not under development anymore and will seem unfinished, but you can still get a lot of fun out of it! I haven’t tested the mac and linux version, but I think they should still work. If you find any major bugs, I’ll try to update the game, but I won’t add any more features.

I’m curious so see what you guys think. This game means a lot to me and I hope you will find it as fun to play as it was developing it!

Downloading now!

how do I get a gun? I have a stick and a bullet.

You basically have to look around or buy it from a NPC

i doesnt open on mac which is sad but i have played the first on Kongregate around 5 years ago and i loved it. would be nice to be able to download and play both versions