I am currently experiencing a rather annoying problem. I know that some other people have experienced this as well and it is the : !IsNormalized (dir) error message accompanied by a all grey Scene view.
I’ve searched for fixes for it but have found only people saying “it went away”. Mine doesn’t go away - so far I’ve tried :
Reinstalling Unity to the latest version this morning
Removing all traces of earlier projects
Plugging the net cable ( just in case of some freak problem )
Opening the 3DTutorial project
Creating a new project
Deleting the Main camera in the scenes
And it all happens even before i press “Play” - I have about 15 seconds of work time before Unity chrashes and doesn’t respond.
I got exactly the same message, and this happed just because my editor cam in the scene view was zoomed out way to far. Zoomed in a little and it worked again…
When this has been reported in the past the usual response is to get a bug logged and submit the project. Have you done that? If so then great, if not then can you do so?
And sorry but I don’t know the specifics behind what triggers this or what the right mojo is to make it go away.
I don’t think that the issue is project specific, as I got this error as soon as I opened the 3-d platform game tutorial, and it now also affects both the island demo, and any blank project that I create. Basically the scene view screen is frozen; no new objects can be added, the viewport is fixed, etc… although strangely enough the island demo can still be played. It’s too bad because this really seemed like a cool tool to play with and the company I am working for was/is seriously considering it as an alternative to XNA. So far no one else on my team has run into this problem… very strange as I literally did not touch anything, and the island demo worked fine the first time I used unity. Uninstalling and removing all unity files has no effect.
Tried “All of the above” Nothing much changed. Mostly it’s the !isNormalized (normal) message spamm that I get with a bit of “UnityEditor.DOckArea:OnGUI()” and a reference to my E drive which I find strange since it’s empty. Of couse it can’t build from there. Maybe a path messed up somewhere?
this probably won’t work for anyone else, but i just closed my scene window and opened it again. I sometimes “work” at two different pcs and for me this happened after i copied over one version with one from the other pc. I also got the “Screen position out of view frustum” error.
Worked for me, tought of the solution about reset factory settings, and found out that this only happens if your #Scene window is visible when your playing the game trought the editor. Simply merged Game and Scene windows and only used the Game when pressing play. Normalized debug line is gone.
I have traced the source of this problem for me down to a Light that was attached to a particle effect called “Large Flame” (which I think came from the Legacy Particles in the standard assets).
Once that light was removed, the !IsNormalized error disappeared.
Mine came from a light source too, using a “FlashLight” effect to my camera. A Flare was attached to it, removing the Flare caused the error message to disappear.