How can i get the portion of the terrain i’m viewing with my isometric camera (as in the picture)?
The only thing I can think of is getting the raycast of the camera to get the center of the rect (intersect with terrain) and then somehow extrapolate the four corners.
I’m using this to highlight a viewport on my minimap.
// assuming the ground is on it’s own layer called ‘ground-plane’
int mask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(“ground-plane”);
// get the 2 camera-corner rays
Ray topRightRay = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(;
Ray bottomLeftRay = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(;
// find the corners of the terrain-rect
RaycastHit topRightRH;
RaycastHit bottomLeftRH;
Rect result;
if( Physics.Raycast(topRightRay, out topRightRH, Mathf.Infinity, mask) && Physics.Raycast(bottomLeftRay , out bottomLeftRH, Mathf.Infinity, mask) )
result = Rect.MinMaxRect(topRightRH.point.x, topRightRH.point.y, bottomLeftRH.point.x, bottomLeftRH.point.y);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get the terrain rect when the camera isn't completely over the terrain");
return result;