Hi Guys,i am progammer (not designer…:P) this is my first post here, well, I work in a Game Company in Brazil called Cedro Games we are new in the Game Market, and we’re planning to make a MMO Game, like Monkirooe or Habbo,but in the isometric style( we already have a team with 3 artists and 5 programmers, but no experience in Unity) and we have plans to make complete 3D games in a near future, so I think Unity is perfect to me, because i think we can make as Isometric Games as 3D Games.
I’ve downloaded the 2.5 version to Win, and i am following the 2D Tuto… I intend too much to buy a pro Version…
SO Here is my questions …
1 - Can we really make a good Isometric Game, but with 3D aspects graphics in the Unity ?
2 - Must I use the Tiles Based Scheme or is there another option to make isometric Games in Unity?
3 - My idea is: Build the Graphics in a program like 3Ds Max and import in the Unity like Sprites, then do all the programation needed, am I correct ? If is there another simpler way to do it …or if someone here has experience in make isometric games, i will apreciate to much your help!!!
I guess it’s possible to use the tiles based scheme - but personally, I think it’s not really the most elegant way (but I don’t have that much experience with these kinds of games, so don’t take my word for it).
If you already have the models - why would you want to take the extra steps of rendering them to sprites?
You can create any level layout to use with isometric diablo-style gameplay.
It depends on what you are aiming for: Do you want to create a random-level-generator? Then: yes. You probably should go for tilable content at all costs.
If you’re going to create a huge world with many details and hiden places you want to have full control over then create the Levels or world within Unity.
The word isometric stands for an angle of roughly 40-45 degrees. You’re using it to mean a type of game and that’s the wrong way of looking at it.
In a 2D world, an isometric game is one of the more difficult 2D games you can make because it needs to look and function like it’s 3D. Many 2D isometric games are referred to as being 2.5D for this reason. Entire books have been written on the subject, I happen to own one covering Isometric game programming in DirectX 7.
To make an isometric game using a 3D engine such as Unity, you just make the game like any 3D game and lock the camera at a 40-45 degree angle above the player slightly looking down. But the world and all it’s contents are still rendering in 3D and function like a 3D world with the extra Z axis involved.
Check out Path by AngryAnt at http://www.angryant.com/. He just released a tutorial video which should cover the options you have at hand with his library.