IsPointerOverGameObject returns false if touch position unchanged

In the editor IsPointerOverGameObject() works fine and returns true when it should, except when the position of the touch is the same next touch, then it returns false!
If the position of the touch is changed it works fine again.

case TouchPhase.Began:          //new touch 0                                
    isOverUI = EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(touch0.touchId);  

I am simulating the touches using the mouse (if this is relevant) using such as:

InputSystem.QueueStateEvent(touchScreen, new TouchState { phase = TouchPhase.Began, touchId = 1, position Mouse.current.position.ReadValue()});

Difficult to test on android build as it is difficult to get two real touches at the same position.
Any ideas?

Just having the same problem with mouse, if I toggle Cursor.lockState, the mouse position action does not update till it gets a new event, which is terrible and annoying.

If anyone has a fix for this, would be cool !

Ping @Rene-Damm , is there a way to force the input system to get the actual value ? Even in the Input debugger it does not display the right value after setting Cursor.lockState = true till we move the mouse