Hi all,
I have encountered an issue with substance materials.
When setting the isReadable property on a substance material to true
substance.isReadable = true;
then calling the GetPixels32 on a substance gives me the warning message
I tested if it is actually getting set to true using
Debug.Log("Texture readabity: " + substance.isReadable);
And it says it’s true… What?
void Start ()
substance = renderer.material as ProceduralMaterial;
substanceTexture = substance.GetGeneratedTexture(substance.GetGeneratedTextures()[0].name);
substanceTexture2D = new Texture2D(substanceTexture.width, substanceTexture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
substance.SetProceduralTexture("Hexagon_Heights", hexBiomeMap);
substance.isReadable = true;
Debug.Log("Texture readabity: " + substance.isReadable);
substanceTexture2D.SetPixels32(substanceTexture.GetPixels32(0, 0, substanceTexture.width, substanceTexture.height));
This seems like a Unity bug. Unless I am missing something.