I’ve got an issue building to WebGL with Addressables. It was all working fine then I added some other Addressables elements and upgraded Unity and I now can’t get it to run.
I’m using Unity 2021.3.2f1 (was previously using Unity 2020.3.26f1) with Addressables package 1.19.19.
I generate the addressables groups (I think this is working fine), I then create the Unity build file and run it and get an error message in google chrome (I get the same error message with a localhost build and with a remote build using Amazon AWS). I’m using google chrome but get the same error with Microsoft Edge also.
I have an introduction scene, the only purpose of which is to load the next scene via addressables (similar to what you do in ‘chop chop’). This is the only scene in the build, the build file size is about 25MB. I use the following to load the next scene: Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(mainGameScene, LoadSceneMode.Single); which works fine. In the second scene I get the error messages in the attached files. I think the error comes when it tries to load the next scene with AsyncOperationHandle asyncHandle = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(sceneToLoad, LoadSceneMode.Single, true); although there’s plenty of other things going on in the scene too.
I’m relatively new to WebGL and Addressables so it could be something I’m doing wrong but I have got it to work in the past.
Any help you can provide would be very welcome.