Issue importing model to Unity


I’ve been having issues with importing Blender armatures to unity.

The model I am working with turns upside down and the animations don’t play properly.
I’m using Unity 4.1.2f and Blender 2.66a.





Is there any way to fix this?
I also tried down-grading Blender and the issue was still there.


U seem to have at least an issue with rotation. If you are using fbx then maybe try playing with axes options on the blender exporter.

I applied the rotation for it, but still came out upside down.
I’ll check the FBX importer settings for the rotation.

Is there any fix for the model glitching up?

Bump. I still got no luck in fixing this issue.

Anyone have a fix for this yet?

I use max, but here is my ritual: I make sure the model I am going to export to Unity is at the 0,0,0 coordinates in max. I also make sure that I collapsed everything down to an edible poly (not sure if that applies to you).

Then in Unity I make sure that the model is attached to an invisible parent when it goes to the hierarchy view(usually this parent is also the object that has the character controller.) This prevents tons of craziness in Unity. If the model is still the wrong way keep trying to change the rotation in your modeling program.

Keep in mind that changing the model’s rotation with the rotate tool does nothing. You need to change the actual polys in relation to the model’s axis, that means selecting all the model’s vertices or faces w/e and rotating those.

I’m not sure how much of this will apply to blender, but the basics should be the same.

Alright, i’ll try that to fix the rotation. Thanks for replying! What about the model glitching up and making some of the model’s polygons stretched in abnormal locations?

I have had that happen before also. Is the model rigged? I recall hearing blender doesn’t import bones to Unity. But that was many years ago. < Disregard

Here’s the Unity faq if you haven’t seen it

I have only had the issue with the model being distorted when it had soemthing to do with rigging.