Issue in unity video player after update v50

We have an application that reproduce 360 video, but after the update the videos started to have constant stops, as if it couldn’t load fast enough. The video runs well in the meta TV application, as well as in our application installed in Quests still in version 49.

We use unity 2020.3.38 , and openGL as graphic API.

Does anyone have the same problem or know a solution?


I’m guessing v50 you mean is the version of the Quest firmware, is that correct?
Have you tried rebooting your device? Often, there’s a performance hit between updates, so that might be worth checking.

Also, which versions of XR packages are you using, and how are you reproducing video in your app?

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes, it was the v50 firmware.
We update to unity 2021.3.6f1, and have the last available plugis for XR, but those updates didn’t work.

Turns out the problem was on the project settings.

We update the minimum API level to android10, Scripting Backend to IL2CPP and the target architectures to ARM64 only.
we also update the texture compression format to ASTC and the normal mapping encoding to DXT5nm-style.
one of those, or all of them made the trick =)

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