Issue installing Unity Documentation

Hello community,

I was trying to install Unity 2022.3.45f1 and I have the issue that it says when installing “Documentation”.

It reports:
“Download failed: There is not enough storage to download and install the selected items”
If I want to add the Documentation Module it also says 0B. So is this Documentation install just a gimmick (I am not sure what it entails and maybe is already included in the editor install) and can I just ignore this? I have over 600GBs of disk space left.

This was probably not the topic where it should go, but I could not find a Bug one.


Result of the install.

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documentation is usually a couple of mb, but it sounds like where your downloads area is maybe full?

Thanks for taking the time to think about a solution.

I only have one drive, and that has some GB free, as is visible in the image… So I can’t imagine it being a storage issue.

hub does have a log, you could look see what its complaining about see if it has anything more specific

{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.054Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Validating destination path permission for access..."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.056Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Destination Path check: Passed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.056Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Validating source path ( availability..."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.200Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Source Availability check: Passed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.200Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Validating available disk space on the partition."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.200Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Required space: 0 bytes / 0 Bytes..."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.200Z","level":"error","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Available Disk Check: Failed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.200Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":38548,"message":"Available disk space check: Failed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.201Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Download Item","pid":38548,"message":"Download: d6afed63-9953-4a63-8c5b-1625e02ee02d, Exiting from State: Validation, Event: ERROR"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.201Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Download Item","pid":38548,"message":"Download: d6afed63-9953-4a63-8c5b-1625e02ee02d, Current State: Failed, Event: ERROR"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:42.201Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Download Item d6afed63-9953-4a63-8c5b-1625e02ee02d","pid":38548,"message":"Transition to state download_failed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:52.715Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","pid":38548,"message":"Get all entitlement groups"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:52.731Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","pid":38548,"message":"Successfully received all entitlement groups details"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:36:52.731Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","pid":38548,"message":"Received 1 entitlement groups"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:40:39.917Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Download Item 2022.3.45f1-x86_64","pid":38548,"message":"Download Finished. Wrote 3490685816 bytes on the disk."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-06T16:40:39.918Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Download Item","pid":38548,"message":"Download: 2022.3.45f1-x86_64, Exiting from State: Downloading, Event: COMPLETED"}

well thats 331mb for starters :smiley: - you can download it the hard way…
Im guessing because it thinks its 0, and can have 0, it thinks 0 means no space

Id report a bug through hub… after trying so it has it clear in the logs.

I’ve also faced this problem today. If you find a solution to it please let me know thx :slight_smile:


Me too :frowning: please let me know if you find a solution!


Same error here as well, and i definitely have storage in my hard drives:


same with me let me know if it´s fixed pelase :slight_smile:

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I’m experiencing the same error. I have nearly 800 GB free on the drive I’m installing to.

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Seems like a bug with Unity Hub. I have 1.14 TB of disk space available and receive the same error trying to install documentation. I even changed the download location to be somewhere like my downloads folder and tried running the installer as admin.

{"timestamp":"2024-09-08T20:50:53.763Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":27868,"message":"Validating available disk space on the partition."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-08T20:50:53.763Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":27868,"message":"Required space: 0 bytes / 0 Bytes..."}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-08T20:50:53.763Z","level":"error","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":27868,"message":"Available Disk Check: Failed"}
{"timestamp":"2024-09-08T20:50:53.763Z","level":"info","moduleName":"Disk Validation Strategy","pid":27868,"message":"Available disk space check: Failed"}

The line that says Required space: 0 bytes / 0 Bytes… leads me to believe there might be something wrong with how space is being calculated by UnityHub. Running the installer as admin returns the same error as well.

indeed, which is why i suggested reporting it as a bug through unity hub to get it logged in JRA

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I think i they have some error in documentation of 2022.3.45f1 so i downloaded the 2021.3.43f1

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Same here with more than 1T free xD


For anyone else who stumbles upon this thread, I submitted a bug report as bugfinders suggested and was told this is a known issue and can be tracked here: Unity Issue Tracker - A download error occurs when attempting to add any Language Pack or Documentation modules to the 6000.0.15f1 Editor version via the Hub


I discovered a workaround to fix the documentation bug .
Quick fix.pdf (353.1 KB)


This worked for me! Thank you very much!

I am unable to find the data folder and was wondering where I should put the documentation.

The first image is from 2022.3.47f1 (it opened up but selected Unity option after using the button to show the unity file in finder).

The second image is when I opened the package contents of Unity (the selected one) and it shows no Data folder. Hence, wondering where I should be putting it.