Issue: Jagged Triangular Shadows on All Quality Settings

Hi all. I am having issues getting shadows to render properly in the Scene editor. I’ve tried troubleshooting the problem using a few solutions to shadow-related issues I found on these forums, but haven’t had much luck.

Here is an image of how my shadows currently look with “Fantastic” settings (I’ve included the Scene Lighting window and QualitySettings Inspector so you can better see what’s going on):

And here’s what it looks like on “Beautiful” settings:

You can see a weird jaggedy (not pixelated) shadow in both.

From the tutorial I’m following, I can see that in the version of Unity the instructor is using (5.0.1 or something) the shadows render fine. Here is what they look like in the videos:

I’m using the exact same project file as the instructor, so I’m wondering if this is related to either my settings or the version disparity (I’m on Unity 5.3.4). I am getting a few “is obsolete” errors that may be noteworthy. Here’s what I’m seeing:

If I change Shadow Projection to “Close Fit” or lower Shadow Distance to 1.6 or so, I get this result:

This gets rid of the triangular shadows problem, but this looks totally misaligned and unnatural. Another thing I’ve tried is changing the Door_03 Prefab’s Normals & Tangents settings to “Calculate,” with the following result:

Does anyone have a clue what might be causing this? Thanks for any help. Very much appreciated.

For anyone with similar problems, I may have found a solution. I am on an NVIDIA Quadro K1200 and had not updated its driver. It was running version 362.13 before, which came with the build of the workstation. I went to and downloaded their most recent stable ODE graphics driver for this card: 362.56. Upon reloading Unity with the new driver installed, my shadow looks much more similar to those in the video tutorial - no more jagged triangles. Here’s what they look like now with no settings changed, just the new driver:

They’re still a bit harder looking than in the tutorial, but at least the terrible triangles are gone. Any idea why the shadow isn’t casting more softly?