Hey all!
My players have run into an odd issue which basically makes the game fail to load from StreamingAssetsPath when their Windows PC language is set to Turkish. I’m not sure if this issue exists with other languages as well (I tested a few others).
Code Example:
string _assetPath = "localization/" + LocalizationLoader.language.ToString().ToLower() + "/ui";
// This is where it failes (File Exists Check)
if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, _assetPath) + ".manifest") == false)
Debug.Log("LoadUIDialogueObject(), File does not exist");
var myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, _assetPath));
if (myLoadedAssetBundle == null)
Debug.Log("Failed to load AssetBundle! " + _assetPath);
Does anyone know of a workaround? I’ve put various print statements and debugged for a bit, and the file structure still looks the same, but for some reason it just doesn’t work properly… Maybe this is a known issue but I haven’t found anything on it.