Issue: MacOS Notarisation with Cloud Build does not codesign plugins

Hi all,

We’ve encountered an issue with using Cloud Build to notarize our app for MacOS, the code signing does not sign bundles within the .app package, so our third-party bundles in the Plugins folder are left unsigned and as a result fail to notarize.

To be specific, in our circumstance the plugins that are left unsigned are:

  • Unity Purchasing: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/unitypurchasing.bundle/Contents/MacOS/unitypurchasing
  • Firebase Functions: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppFunctions.bundle
  • Firebase Database*: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppDatabase.bundle*
  • Firebase Messaging: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppMessaging.bundle
  • Firebase Instance: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppInstanceId.bundle
  • Firebase Storage: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppStorage.bundle
  • Firebase App: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppApp-6_10_0.bundle
  • Firebase Auth: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppAuth.bundle
  • Firebase Analytics: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/FirebaseCppAnalytics.bundle
  • Resonance Audio: *[Build].app/Contents/Plugins/*resonanceaudio.bundle/contents/MacOS/resonanceaudio
  • Bugsnag: *[Build].app/*Contents/Plugins/bugsnag-osx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/bugsnag-osx
  • VuforiaWrapper: [Build].app/Contents/Plugins/VuforiaWrapper.bundle/Contents/MacOS/VuforiaWrapper"

In our local build process, we perform the codesign command for each of the directories that I’ve listed above which allows notarization to be successful. It looks like this process does not happen under Cloud Build, unless I’m mistaken.

Does anybody else have insight into this? I will make a bug report for this but I’m hopeful there may be a workaround in the immediate term.

Thanks all!

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This is a known issue with the Unity editor.

I believe this is resolved in the latest 2020.1 or a version soon to be released (the issue tracker indicates that it’s solved in 2020.1.9f1 but obviously that’s nowhere near release yet and is probably incorrect…). Backports are also planned for this issue.