Issue on Unity build for visionPro

Just try out building a sample VR project for new visionPro platform. It works like a charm (i mean no error) during the process of building out an .xcodeproj. However, it shows error when building inside XCode.

It only has one error right now:

  • unity_built_vr_sample_tester/Il2CppOutputProject/IL2CPP/build/deploy_x86_64/il2cpp: No such file or directory

Yes it does, there was only ‘deploy_arm64’ folder under IL2CPP. Which I got that it’s probably what happens below:

inside the image it shows the file path is determined by my macbook CPU.

I have checked many options in Unity and could not find out a way to change this configuration of IL2CPP.

So my question is, should I switch an M1 macbook (which is in arm64) to build a visionOS app?

Alright thanks, on my way to change my Macbook! :frowning:

Could you link the source of this? I did not see this myself when working with xcode, and got the vision pro simulator to work on a non Apple Silicon mac

That’s a bummer. Why isn’t that mentioned anywhere?

I also do not understand this limitation, since
a) the Vision Pro Simulator runs fine on my Intel Mac, if I create a new VisionOS app from scratch
b) I can also build these apps with a Appple Vision Pro target on my Intel Mac without any issues and then run them in the simulator standalone.

Are you sure that “real builds” for the device are impossible with Intel Macs?! How does such a device build differ from a build that runs fine in the simulator? I am actually not keen on spending a couple of thousand extra dollars just to be able to build for VisionOS.

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Hi all-- some recent conversations have revealed that I made some incorrect posts last week. This forum doesn’t appear to support strikethrough formatting, so I’ve deleted the incorrect posts.

Apple does not require Apple Silicon to make visionOS builds. I’m still unclear on whether and when Unity might require Apple Silicon in our build chain if you do have access to a Vision Pro device, but if this is a requirement it comes from us.

Thankfully our visionOS folks have opened their own forum for these sorts of questions:

Most of us monitoring the AR forum (including myself) do not have access to Vision Pro yet, so we’re going to redirect all visionOS questions to this new forum until we are more equipped to answer questions here. Apologies for the miscommunication.

@milanowth Reposting this question to the new visionOS forum should hopefully bring some clarity to this issue.


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