So I recently made a WebGL build of my game and threw it up online. After doing this, I went to push up to github (like you do) and got a large file detected error on a cache file. Here is a pitcure of the error I’m getting.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Has anyone seen anything like this and/or know how to deal with it? I was thinking of throwing *.bc into my gitignore, but I’m not sure if that would break everything or not.
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The error message is pretty clear: you have a 119MB file and the maximum filesize github allows is 119MB.
The solution is also clear: Build artifacts should absolutely not be tracked by version control. Your entire “Library” folder should be gitignored. Here’s a really good article about best practices for using Unity with Git: How to Git with Unity . At the very least, start using Unity’s gitignore template: gitignore/Unity.gitignore at main · github/gitignore · GitHub