issue rendering animation on button click

I am trying to render an animation on button click, but for some reason the animation is not rendering.

The animation is a coin with a trail moving from the button to a coin bag on my GUI in a game.

The button name is called “collectedCoinsGreenBtn” and an animation component with the script is attached to the Inspector.

Here is a script to see the animation call function.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;

public class CoinTrail : MonoBehaviour {

	// public game object for coin image
	public GameObject CoinsCollectGreen;

	void Start ()
		CoinsCollectGreen.gameObject.SetActive (false);

	public void RenderTrail ()
		CoinsCollectGreen.gameObject.SetActive (true);
		GetComponent<Animation> ().Play ("GreenCoin");

Here is an image of the Inspector with the button OnClick with the RenderTrail function in place.

Have you tried manually setting the animation clip in the animation component?

secondly in your script add a debug.log(“test”) to the button click to make figure out if its the button click or the animation itself thats the problem