Does anyone know if its possible to target API level 34 from Unity 2022.2.5f1? or will i have to upgrade my project to a newer version of Unity? The build keeps failing even though i installed the proper SDKs from android studio and restarted the unity project, hub, and my PC. The build fail error says “Required API level 36” even though I only set the project to target 34 and 36 isnt even available (as far as i can see) as a download in android studio’s SDK manager. In my unity project in edit->preferences->external tools I unticked Android SDK tools Installed with unity (recommended) and that opened a field next to SDK that has a “browse” button next to it that opens a file picker. But putting in that filepath with the android-34 folder (C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms) in the field in my unity external tools config panel it throws an error: