Issue with aesprite importer for Unity

I’m working in a project where some of my animation clips were generated in Unity, and some of them were generated in Aesprite and imported using the Aesprite importer. When I add only the Unity-generated animation clips to my animator controller states, everything works as expected. When I have a mix of clips from Unity and clips from Aesprite, I’m encountering weird behavior. For example, my player sprite is a composite of many sprites, and I want to enable and disable the renderers on certain body parts dynamically. When the player uses a tool, the equipment body part should be enabled for the duration of the animation. This works fine when only Unity-generated clips are in the animator controller. When I add other animation states with the Aesprite-generated clips, I’m no longer able to control the equipment renderer - it’s like it’s being overridden by something. When the player swings a sword, the equipment renderer should be enabled briefly, but this only works if I remove the animation states with the aesprite-generated clips from the controller - otherwise it is stuck on disabled. Likewise, when the player mounts a horse the equipment renderer should be disabled, but it is stuck on enabled and I can only control the renderer when I remove the aesprite-generated clips from the controller. Has anyone encountered an issue like this before? Wondering if there’s some property on the aesprite clip causing it to override my enable/disable on the renderers.