Hello everyone, I have a problem when using the Bumped Diffuse Shader with lights. The problem also exists with every other type Bumped shader. I searched around for quite a bit and found no answer, the closest I got was this thread, which actually speaks of the exact same problem I’m having:
Unfortunately the one who posted that apparently found the solution himself, but never said what that solution was. So I’m just going to copy-paste part of that post, and provide screenshots.
Whenever an object is using this shader, if a light hits it, only the OPPOSITE side is lit. This is very strange to me. For example, if the source of light is on the left side of an object, that side will be very dark (as if it were in shadow) but the right side will be very well lit, as if it were the side facing the light. What could be causing this issue, and more importantly how could I fix it?
Bumped Diffuse Shader with lights:
Bumped Diffuse Shader without lights:
Thank you for the help in advance.