Issue with C# on Mobile Simple Inputs

Hello, hoping someone can assist me with an issue i am having with c#. I am using a template from Thomas Brush, that is a simple basic 2d template that has just the shell to start building a game. I am working on converting it from PC to android, and i have had success with most of the things, except one thing. I Converted all the controls using simple input, and buttons, so they all work except walking. Now the character is able to walk with no issue when the buttons are pressed on mobile but the animation is not playing. And the reason for that after looking at the script is that the way Thomas has created the animation is with an int that i cant control it. Can anyone help modify the script so the animation works with my new structure? Note that the animation works fine on PC but it doesnt on mobile due to the reason i explained. It is that i dont have advance knowledge to make that int work with the SimpleInput system.

move.x = SimpleInput.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) + launch;

that line works perfectly and makes the character move using touch buttons but the animation doesnt play because the way animation is handled is though this, so logically it works only for keyboard. I can’t just change it to SimpleInput instead of Input because it will not work.

animator.SetInteger(“moveDirection”, (int)Input.GetAxis(“HorizontalDirection”));

Below is the full code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

/*Adds player functionality to a physics object*/


public class NewPlayer : PhysicsObject
    [Header ("Reference")]
    public AudioSource audioSource;
    [SerializeField] private Animator animator;
    private AnimatorFunctions animatorFunctions;
    public GameObject attackHit;
    private CapsuleCollider2D capsuleCollider;
    public CameraEffects cameraEffects;
    [SerializeField] private ParticleSystem deathParticles;
    [SerializeField] private AudioSource flameParticlesAudioSource;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject graphic;
    [SerializeField] private Component[] graphicSprites;
    [SerializeField] private ParticleSystem jumpParticles;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject pauseMenu;
    public RecoveryCounter recoveryCounter;

    // Singleton instantiation
    private static NewPlayer instance;
    public static NewPlayer Instance
            if (instance == null) instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<NewPlayer>();
            return instance;

    [SerializeField] private string[] cheatItems;
    public bool dead = false;
    public bool frozen = false;
    private float fallForgivenessCounter; //Counts how long the player has fallen off a ledge
    [SerializeField] private float fallForgiveness = .2f; //How long the player can fall from a ledge and still jump
    [System.NonSerialized] public string groundType = "grass";
    [System.NonSerialized] public RaycastHit2D ground;
    [SerializeField] Vector2 hurtLaunchPower; //How much force should be applied to the player when getting hurt?
    private float launch; //The float added to x and y moveSpeed. This is set with hurtLaunchPower, and is always brought back to zero
    [SerializeField] private float launchRecovery; //How slow should recovering from the launch be? (Higher the number, the longer the launch will last)
    public float maxSpeed = 7; //Max move speed
    public float jumpPower = 17;
    private bool jumping;
    private Vector3 origLocalScale;
    [System.NonSerialized] public bool pounded;
    [System.NonSerialized] public bool pounding;
    [System.NonSerialized] public bool shooting = false;

    [Header ("Inventory")]
    public float ammo;
    public int coins;
    public int health;
    public int maxHealth;
    public int maxAmmo;

    [Header ("Sounds")]
    public AudioClip deathSound;
    public AudioClip equipSound;
    public AudioClip grassSound;
    public AudioClip hurtSound;
    public AudioClip[] hurtSounds;
    public AudioClip holsterSound;
    public AudioClip jumpSound;
    public AudioClip landSound;
    public AudioClip poundSound;
    public AudioClip punchSound;
    public AudioClip[] poundActivationSounds;
    public AudioClip outOfAmmoSound;
    public AudioClip stepSound;
    [System.NonSerialized] public int whichHurtSound;

    void Start()
        Cursor.visible = false;
        health = maxHealth;
        animatorFunctions = GetComponent<AnimatorFunctions>();
        origLocalScale = transform.localScale;
        recoveryCounter = GetComponent<RecoveryCounter>();
        //Find all sprites so we can hide them when the player dies.
        graphicSprites = GetComponentsInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();


    private void Update()

    protected void ComputeVelocity()
        //Player movement & attack
        Vector2 move =;
        ground = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y), -Vector2.up);

        //Lerp launch back to zero at all times
        launch += (0 - launch) * Time.deltaTime * launchRecovery;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel"))

        //Movement, jumping, and attacking!
        if (!frozen)
            move.x = SimpleInput.GetAxis("Horizontal") + launch;

            if (SimpleInput.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && animator.GetBool("grounded") == true && !jumping)
                animator.SetBool("pounded", false);

            //Flip the graphic's localScale
            if (move.x > 0.01f)
               graphic.transform.localScale = new Vector3(origLocalScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
            else if (move.x < -0.01f)
               graphic.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-origLocalScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);

            if (SimpleInput.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete))

            //Secondary attack (currently shooting) with right click
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))

            if (shooting)

            //Allow the player to jump even if they have just fallen off an edge ("fall forgiveness")
            if (!grounded)
                if (fallForgivenessCounter < fallForgiveness && !jumping)
                    fallForgivenessCounter += Time.deltaTime;
                    animator.SetBool("grounded", false);
                fallForgivenessCounter = 0;
                animator.SetBool("grounded", true);

            //Set each animator float, bool, and trigger to it knows which animation to fire
            animator.SetFloat("velocityX", Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) / maxSpeed);
            animator.SetFloat("velocityY", velocity.y);
            animator.SetInteger("attackDirectionY", (int)Input.GetAxis("VerticalDirection"));
            animator.SetInteger("moveDirection", (int)Input.GetAxis("HorizontalDirection"));
            animator.SetBool("hasChair", GameManager.Instance.inventory.ContainsKey("chair"));
            targetVelocity = move * maxSpeed;

            //If the player is set to frozen, his launch should be zeroed out!
            launch = 0;

    public void SetGroundType()
        //If we want to add variable ground types with different sounds, it can be done here
        switch (groundType)
            case "Grass":
                stepSound = grassSound;

    public void Freeze(bool freeze)
        //Set all animator params to ensure the player stops running, jumping, etc and simply stands
        if (freeze)
            animator.SetInteger("moveDirection", 0);
            animator.SetBool("grounded", true);
            animator.SetFloat("velocityX", 0f);
            animator.SetFloat("velocityY", 0f);
            GetComponent<PhysicsObject>().targetVelocity =;

        frozen = freeze;
        shooting = false;
        launch = 0;

    public void GetHurt(int hurtDirection, int hitPower)
        //If the player is not frozen (ie talking, spawning, etc), recovering, and pounding, get hurt!
        if (!frozen && !recoveryCounter.recovering && !pounding)
            cameraEffects.Shake(100, 1);
            velocity.y = hurtLaunchPower.y;
            launch = hurtDirection * (hurtLaunchPower.x);
            recoveryCounter.counter = 0;

            if (health <= 0)
                health -= hitPower;


    private void HurtEffect()

        if (whichHurtSound >= hurtSounds.Length - 1)
            whichHurtSound = 0;
        cameraEffects.Shake(100, 1f);

    public IEnumerator FreezeFrameEffect(float length = .007f)
        Time.timeScale = .1f;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(length);
        Time.timeScale = 1f;

    public IEnumerator Die()
        if (!frozen)
            dead = true;
            Time.timeScale = .6f;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f);
            GameManager.Instance.hud.loadSceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
            Time.timeScale = 1f;

    public void ResetLevel()
        dead = false;
        health = maxHealth;

    public void SubtractAmmo()
        if (ammo > 0)
            ammo -= 20 * Time.deltaTime;

    public void Jump(float jumpMultiplier)
        if (velocity.y != jumpPower)
            velocity.y = jumpPower * jumpMultiplier; //The jumpMultiplier allows us to use the Jump function to also launch the player from bounce platforms
            jumping = true;

    public void PlayStepSound()
        //Play a step sound at a random pitch between two floats, while also increasing the volume based on the Horizontal axis
        audioSource.pitch = (Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f));
        audioSource.PlayOneShot(stepSound, Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") / 10));

    public void PlayJumpSound()
        audioSource.pitch = (Random.Range(1f, 1f));
        GameManager.Instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(jumpSound, .1f);

    public void JumpEffect()
        audioSource.pitch = (Random.Range(0.6f, 1f));

    public void LandEffect()
        if (jumping)
            audioSource.pitch = (Random.Range(0.6f, 1f));
            jumping = false;

    public void PunchEffect()
        cameraEffects.Shake(100, 1f);

    public void ActivatePound()
        //A series of events needs to occur when the player activates the pound ability
        if (!pounding)
            animator.SetBool("pounded", false);

            if (velocity.y <= 0)
                velocity = new Vector3(velocity.x, hurtLaunchPower.y / 2, 0.0f);

            GameManager.Instance.audioSource.PlayOneShot(poundActivationSounds[Random.Range(0, poundActivationSounds.Length)]);
            pounding = true;
    public void PoundEffect()
        //As long as the player as activated the pound in ActivatePound, the following will occur when hitting the ground.
        if (pounding)
            velocity.y = jumpPower / 1.4f;
            animator.SetBool("pounded", true);
            cameraEffects.Shake(200, 1f);
            pounding = false;
            recoveryCounter.counter = 0;
            animator.SetBool("pounded", true);

    public void FlashEffect()
        //Flash the player quickly

    public void Hide(bool hide)
        foreach (SpriteRenderer sprite in graphicSprites)

    public void Shoot(bool equip)
        //Flamethrower ability
        if (GameManager.Instance.inventory.ContainsKey("flamethrower"))
            if (equip)
                if (!shooting)
                    animator.SetBool("shooting", true);
                    shooting = true;
                if (shooting)
                    animator.SetBool("shooting", false);
                    shooting = false;

    public void SetUpCheatItems()
        //Allows us to get various items immediately after hitting play, allowing for testing.
        for (int i = 0; i < cheatItems.Length; i++)
            GameManager.Instance.GetInventoryItem(cheatItems[i], null);

Axis inputs come as a floating point from -1.0f to +1.0 typically.

By casting it to an integer property, if it is not EXACTLY 1.0, it will be passed as zero.

What is that moveDirection expecting, just +1 and -1?

If so you could change the code above to be:

float horizontalAxis = Input.GetAxis("HorizontalDirection");
int moveSign = (int) Mathf.Sign( horizontalAxis);
animator.SetInteger("moveDirection", moveSign);

Thank you so much for the reply. I am not home to test it but I like the approach. But I think it will have the same issue. The animation will work if on PC because Input.GetAxis(“HorizontalDirection”); already works fine when the keyboard left and right is pressed. I am trying to make it work on mobile with the 2 buttons. I mentioned that I have achieved that using SimpleInput package. So the player moves just fine, just don’t animate. So instead of Input.GetAxis i use SimpleInput.GetAxis, and I have an input script on the 2 touch buttons that are pressed for left and right. But i will give it a try when i get home.

Basically, maybe this helps me better understand my issue. I don’t want the Walk/Run animation tied to the Input.GetAxis function. Can’t it just be whenever the player is walking/running just play the animation? How can I achieve that? I already have achieved the player to walk, I just need to tell him to animate when he walks but without limiting myself to Input.GetAxis, because then it will animate only when the keyboard left or right is pressed.

The approach you need is basically:

  • gather inputs into variables

  • act on those variables as if they were inputs:

—> move the character
—> jump the character?
—> play the appropriate animations
—> etc

Note how when you switch out the new input system, the ONLY step that change is “gather inputs into variables”

Nothing else changes.

I was able to make it work, all i had to do was add this line of code to the update function, so now it works both with mobile buttons and keyboard.

if (SimpleInput.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) > 0 || SimpleInput.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) < 0)
animator.SetInteger(“moveDirection”, 1);

Could you post the Update() method?
Thanks in advance.