I am trying to recreate the camera from the Third Person Asset example in my third person game I am making but I am having a vital issue. I have my hierarchy setup almost the same as the Asset example, I am using the cinemachine camera’s almost identically except using cinemachine camera because virtual camera has been deprecated. The issue I am having is that I have a free revolving camera around the player and the movement logic works correctly in that it moves in relation to the camera. The problem is that when the player parent gameobject moves in relation to the camera, it brings the camera follow position with it because my follow position is a child of the player gameobject. When I look at the Third Person Asset example they have the follow position object as a child of the player gameobject but when the parent player gameobject moves, the follow object doesn’t take it’s rotation even though it is child of the player gameobject.
I have tried multiple ways of manipulating my scripts to get this working and can’t seem to fix it. I’m pretty inexperienced in game development so sorry if I’m not making sense. I’d be happy to share my scripts, just let me know.