Issue With Circle In 3d Game

In 3d Game , There is Not Collider For Circle And If I use Meth Collider For my Circle Object , and It Will Take 10 mins Just for Convex it

It seems like the mesh itself may be very complex. How many triangles does it have? Note that MeshColliders are very inefficient, more so the more triangles there are in the mesh.

A torus or any kind of “tube” is pretty hard to simulate with rigidbody physics. You’re best adviced to approximate the shape of the torus using primitive colliders, although it’ll never amount to a smooth torus but that’s not the goal anyway. A set of 12 to 24 box colliders should be sufficient. If you need more smoothness then …

… use a second invisible mesh for the mesh collider which should be a low detail version (LOD) of the visible mesh. If you don’t need the opening (hole) then a cylinder mesh with small height that matches the torus’ outline would work.

Just keep in mind that depending on the platform and number of objects, MeshColliders can cause a pretty big impact on performance specifically when collisions occur frequently.

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When you set a ring to be convex then it’ll no longer be a ring, it will be a disc instead. So nothing will be able to pass through it and you won’t be able to hula hoop with it.

If you’re not adding a rigidbody to the ring then there’s no reason to make it convex.

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thank you for your information you are right the circle very complex just by edit it in blender my issue fixed

thanks , that is right but I need that circle too for many stuff , I just wanted to make sure all property work well