Issue with Concatenating Variable in UnityWebRequest.Post()

Essentially I’m trying to put a variable (preview3DID) into the data parameter of the post method and it’s not working. When I manually put in the ID it works fine but when I try to add the ID with concatenation it doesn’t work. Is there another method of concatenation that I should be using or does this just not work entirely. Code is below.

    IEnumerator Create3DRefineRequest()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(30);
        using (UnityWebRequest refineRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "{\"mode\": \"refine\", \"preview_task_id\": \"" + preview3DID + "\",  \"enable_pbr\": true}", "application/json"))
            refineRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ");

            yield return refineRequest.SendWebRequest();

            if (refineRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                Debug.Log("Refining complete!");
                preview3DID = refineRequest.downloadHandler.text;



and below is curl formatting for the API provided by the website

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "mode": "refine",
  "preview_task_id": "018a210d-8ba4-705c-b111-1f1776f7f578"
  "enable_pbr": true,

Send the same request to and print out the output. It sends back json containing the stuff it itself received from you. Most likely there is something weird, such as some non-printable characters involved.


Well what I’m not understanding is that when I replace preview3DID with the string that it represents

  using (UnityWebRequest refineRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "{\"mode\": \"refine\", \"preview_task_id\": \"0194b2ba-2eb0-71ad-b564-06d10f8f7237 \",  \"enable_pbr\": true}", "application/json"))

it works. But if I set preview3DID to that exact same value it gives 400: Bad Request

string preview3DID = 0194b2ba-2eb0-71ad-b564-06d10f8f7237
  using (UnityWebRequest refineRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "{\"mode\": \"refine\", \"preview_task_id\": \"" + preview3DID + "\",  \"enable_pbr\": true}", "application/json"))

            refineRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer API KEY");

Here’s the full code if that can elucidate things

using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class MEshyAPI : MonoBehaviour
    public int thingy = 2;
    string fart;
    void Start()
    void Update()
        if (thingy == 3)
            thingy = 4;
    public string preview3DID;
//Creating preview ID    
IEnumerator Upload()
        using (UnityWebRequest previewRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "{\"mode\": \"preview\",  \"prompt\": \"a monster mask\",  \"art_style\": \"realistic\",  \"should_remesh\": true}", "application/json"))
            previewRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer API Key");

            yield return previewRequest.SendWebRequest();

            if (previewRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                Debug.Log("Preview complete!");
                preview3DID = previewRequest.downloadHandler.text;
                preview3DID = preview3DID.Remove(0, 11);
                preview3DID = preview3DID.Remove(36, 2);
                thingy = 3;
                fart = "{\"mode\": \"refine\", \"preview_task_id\": \"0194b127-b64c -7156-8679-36c5cb90c0b0\",  \"enable_pbr\": true}";

//Refining Task using preview ID    
IEnumerator Create3DRefineRequest()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(30);
        using (UnityWebRequest refineRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", "{\"mode\": \"refine\", \"preview_task_id\": \"" + preview3DID +"\",  \"enable_pbr\": true}", "application/json"))
            refineRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer API KEY");

            yield return refineRequest.SendWebRequest();

            if (refineRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                Debug.Log("Refining complete!");
                preview3DID = refineRequest.downloadHandler.text;


Uhm, the snippet you posted doesn’t really have the string in quotation marks. So where / when is that string variable actually filled? The snippet you posted would not work

You would need to do

string preview3DID = "0194b2ba-2eb0-71ad-b564-06d10f8f7237";

What on earth are you doing here:

What output do you actually get from the first API? I would assume that you get json back, right? So you should properly parse the json.

I actually wrote my SimpleJSON specifically for requesting webservices. With it you could simply do

var data = JSON.Parse(previewRequest.downloadHandler.text);
preview3DID = data["result"].Value;

You can also use it to create your request json

JSONNode data = new JSONObject();
data["mode"] = "preview";
data["prompt"] = "a monster mask";
data["art_style"] ="realistic";
data["should_remesh"] = true;

string json = data.ToString();

And for your other request:

JSONNode data = new JSONObject();
data["mode"] = "refine";
data["preview_task_id"] = preview3DID;
data["enable_pbr"] = true;

string json = data.ToString();

You can use any json library, but most require to either create a class for each request / response or are quite large. Mine is a single script file and the aim was ease of use :slight_smile:

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I believe this is the problem. Here you have a conversion to UTF-8 string and that string includes Unicode BOM. When output it to console, you don’t see it, as it’s non-printable.
This may help:

Or if the token is guaranteed to be like that, convert bytes to string using ASCII encoding.

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So I did what you said and the json worked for the first request but for the second it’s still saying that the preview task isn’t there. Here’s the code:

    IEnumerator Create3DRefineRequest()
        JSONNode data = new JSONObject();

        data["mode"] = "refine";
        data["preview_task_id"] = preview3DID;
        data["enable_pbr"] = true;

        string json = data.ToString();
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(30);
        using (UnityWebRequest refineRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", json, "application/json"))
            refineRequest.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer APIKEY");

            yield return refineRequest.SendWebRequest();

            if (refineRequest.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
                var jsonID = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(refineRequest.downloadHandler.text);
                preview3DID = jsonID["result"].Value;
                Debug.Log("Preview complete!");



and when I logged the json var to the console it gave me this:


which should work when I put it in the request but it still doesn’t so I’m very confused