Unity 2020.1.0b5
Whenever I use the Generate Collection Code feature for Ghost Collection Authoring Component the script that is generated contains Trying Keywords before every class.
public struct Trying intGhostSerializerCollection : IGhostSerializerCollection
public string[ ] CreateSerializerNameList()
var arr = new string[ ]
return arr;
public int Length => 1;
public static int FindGhostType()
where T : struct, ISnapshotData
if (typeof(T) == typeof(CubeSnapshotData))
return 0;
return -1;
public void BeginSerialize(ComponentSystemBase system)
public int CalculateImportance(int serializer, ArchetypeChunk chunk)
switch (serializer)
case 0:
return m_CubeGhostSerializer.CalculateImportance(chunk);
throw new ArgumentException(“Invalid serializer type”);
public int GetSnapshotSize(int serializer)
switch (serializer)
case 0:
return m_CubeGhostSerializer.SnapshotSize;
throw new ArgumentException(“Invalid serializer type”);
public int Serialize(ref DataStreamWriter dataStream, SerializeData data)
switch (data.ghostType)
case 0:
return GhostSendSystem<Trying intGhostSerializerCollection>.InvokeSerialize<CubeGhostSerializer, CubeSnapshotData>(m_CubeGhostSerializer, ref dataStream, data);
throw new ArgumentException(“Invalid serializer type”);
private CubeGhostSerializer m_CubeGhostSerializer;
public struct EnableTrying intGhostSendSystemComponent : IComponentData
public class Trying intGhostSendSystem : GhostSendSystem<Trying intGhostSerializerCollection>
protected override void OnCreate()
RequireSingletonForUpdate<EnableTrying intGhostSendSystemComponent>();
public override bool IsEnabled()
return HasSingleton<EnableTrying intGhostSendSystemComponent>();
If I remove the Trying from the generated code it fixes the compiler errors.
This is happening for the generated scripts : GhostSerializerCollection and and GhostDeserializerCollection