Hey I’m very new to maya. Can you please tell me how to fix this issue ?
Here how my model looks in maya.
And This is how looks in Unity
Thank you
Hey I’m very new to maya. Can you please tell me how to fix this issue ?
Here how my model looks in maya.
And This is how looks in Unity
Thank you
The problem is, that some geos are missing?
Usually when importing model in Unity, is a good idea to combine it in Maya, so it’s one single mesh.
Problem might be, that normals of the missing geometries are flipped.
Select mesh in Maya and go to "Display > Polygons > Face Normals. All the normals shoud be pointing outward. If the missing geometries normals are pointing inward, select them and go to (Poligon Menu) > Normals > Reverse…
But from what you are showing, i don’t think somebody will be able to help you.
How are you importing the model (What extension is it? .mb, .fbx)? Does it have animation? Is it combined, sepaarated?