issue with mouse input in windowed mode (Bug ?)


I’m experiencing an issue where standalone build (OSX) in windowed mode only gets correct mouse input when the window is exactly at the center of the screen. Lets say i have some buttons, when i build my game the window spawns at the center of the screen and i can interact with them just right, but when i move the window the game acts as if i didn’t move it.
i have a grid made of buttons, they use basic hover functionality.
here is how it looks when window is at the center of the screen.


It works as expected.
and here is how it looks after moving the window a little left.


looks like mouse position used by unity is relative to the screen? If this is the case ,is there a way to make it relative to the window instead?

everything works fine when in fullscreen but it’s still a very big problem when you want to make a casual game that you can play in a small window like for example minesweeper. Plz send help

sorry for my english btw. ^^

Care to post some of your code? Do you use Unitys built-in UI for the Buttons? What do you mean by “basic Hove functionality”? If there is your own code to that, just post it. No code, no answers :slight_smile:

::EDIT which Version of Unity do you use? 5.3.8 fixed a similar issue…

yes , i’m using unity’s built-in Ui for the grid and everything. by basic hover functionality i mean default behavior of unity buttons with make them switch color to “highlighted color” when cursor is over them. code in that scene had nothing to do with that. To prove it I made a very simple test scene and the issue is still there. Care to take a look?

the package contains a simple scene and a simple script. When i build it in windowed mode results are as described before. Im on osx yosemite 10.10.5 , running unity 2017.1.1f1

Maybe this can help?