Issue with Moving a UI Element


I have some problems about moving an UI Image.

I used transform.position with Movetowards and time.SmoothDeltaTime and I tried too many things.

I have 2 main problems;

1-Moving was not smooth.
2- For new moving method, I need to reach screen boundaries according to new method used.

It will be easy to understand problem with watching the video.

Here the video Ekran Kaydı 2020-01-20 - Google Drive

Thanks a lot.

I suggest you look into a tweening engine such as leantween or dotween. It will help you a lot more with moving UI stuff especially. Otherwise, you really should show your code to have people help you with it.

    IEnumerator Game.StartGame()

        Vector2 RandomPosition = GetRandomPositionV2(0f, Screen.width, 0f, Screen.height, Obj.transform.position, 4f);
        float RandomSpeed = GetRandomSpeed();

        while (GameCenter.isPaused == false)

            if (Vector2.Distance(Obj.transform.position, RandomPosition) > 3f)

                Obj.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(Obj.transform.position, new Vector2(RandomPosition.x, RandomPosition.y) ,RandomSpeed*Time.smoothDeltaTime);


                //Obj.transform.DOMove(new Vector3(RandomPosition.x, RandomPosition.y, 0f), 1f, false).SetEase(Ease.OutCubic);

                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

                 Obj.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(Obj.transform.position, new Vector2(RandomPosition.x, RandomPosition.y), RandomSpeed * Time.smoothDeltaTime);

                RandomPosition = GetRandomPositionV2(0f, Screen.width, 0f, Screen.height, Obj.transform.position, 7f);
                RandomSpeed = GetRandomSpeed();
                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

Thanks for the answer.
Basically, code is that.
Tweening did not worked for me. I already tried it.
