Hello, I’m developing a multiplayer game and for some reason I need to assign a tag to each player. Moreover, the players won’t have the same tags, each player will receive a tag according to the team he has chosen.
In addition to the tags assigned to the player, I also assign the necessary scripts to the player for the upcoming game.
So much for the background.
As for the problem :
The script below runs on an object that is not attached to one of my players (i.e. a script that is only present once in my scene).
Its purpose is to find the players in the police team and assign them their tag and script, and the same for the thieves’ team.
private void Tagging()
#region Owner
/*if (IsOwner)
Debug.Log(TS.copsNamesList[0] + " nom du flic");
// Attribution de la prison à l'un des flics si entre 6 et 8 joueurs
if (NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.Count >= 6)
var randomInt = Random.Range(1, 2);
Debug.Log("policier choisit : " + randomInt);
copWithJail = TS.copsNamesList[randomInt];
else if (NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.Count < 6)
// Attribution de la prison au seul policier présent dans la partie
copWithJail = TS.copsNamesList[0];
foreach (NetworkClient item in NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList)
PI = item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerInfo>();
if (TS.copsNamesList.Contains(PI.playerName))
//Debug.Log(item.PlayerObject.name + " est un policier");
PI.isCops = true;
PI.isCopsInt = 1;
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.tag = "cops";
PI.UpdateServerInfoClientRpc(true, 1);
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<WeaponCop>().enabled = true;
// S'il s'agit du policier ayant la prison
if (PI.playerName == copWithJail)
// On enable le script de la prison sur le joueur
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<VirtualJail>().enabled = true;
else if (PI.playerName != copWithJail)
else if (TS.runnersNamesList.Contains(PI.playerName))
//Debug.Log(item.PlayerObject.name + " est un voleur");
PI.isCops = false;
PI.isCopsInt = 2;
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.tag = "runners";
PI.UpdateServerInfoClientRpc(false, 2);
#region Server
if (IsOwner)
Debug.Log(TS.copsNamesList[0] + " nom du flic");
// Attribution de la prison à l'un des flics si entre 6 et 8 joueurs
if (NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.Count >= 6)
var randomInt = Random.Range(1, 2);
Debug.Log("policier choisit : " + randomInt);
copWithJail = TS.copsNamesList[randomInt];
else if (NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.Count < 6)
// Attribution de la prison au seul policier présent dans la partie
copWithJail = TS.copsNamesList[0];
foreach (NetworkClient item in NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList)
PI = item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerInfo>();
ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = new ClientRpcParams
Send = new ClientRpcSendParams
TargetClientIds = new ulong[] { item.ClientId }
if (TS.copsNamesList.Contains(PI.playerName))
//Debug.Log(item.PlayerObject.name + " est un policier");
PI.isCops = true;
PI.isCopsInt = 1;
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.tag = "cops";
PI.UpdateServerInfoClientRpc(true, 1, clientRpcParams);
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<WeaponCop>().enabled = true;
// S'il s'agit du policier ayant la prison
if (PI.playerName == copWithJail)
// On enable le script de la prison sur le joueur
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.GetComponent<VirtualJail>().enabled = true;
PI.UpdateServerRoleJailClientRpc(true, clientRpcParams);
else if (PI.playerName != copWithJail)
PI.UpdateServerRoleJailClientRpc(false, clientRpcParams);
else if (TS.runnersNamesList.Contains(PI.playerName))
//Debug.Log(item.PlayerObject.name + " est un voleur");
PI.isCops = false;
PI.isCopsInt = 2;
item.PlayerObject.gameObject.tag = "runners";
PI.UpdateServerInfoClientRpc(false, 2, clientRpcParams);
PI.UpdateServerRoleJailClientRpc(false, clientRpcParams);
PI.UpdateServerRoleCaptureClientRpc(false, clientRpcParams);
Then, as far as ClientRpc are concerned, they are present on one of my player’s scripts (so each player has this script on him).
With the help of the Unity documentation, I try to send the ClientRpc request only to the player concerned.
public void UpdateServerInfoClientRpc(bool playerIsCops, int playerIsCopsInt, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default)
if (IsOwner) return;
isCopsInt = playerIsCopsInt;
isCops = playerIsCops;
Debug.Log("Passe serverInfoClientRpc");
if (playerIsCops)
gameObject.tag = "cops";
Debug.Log("playerInfo tag Cops");
else if (!playerIsCops)
gameObject.tag = "runners";
Debug.Log("playerInfo tag Runners");
public void UpdateServerRoleJailClientRpc(bool playerJail, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default)
if (IsOwner) return;
haveJail = playerJail;
if (!haveJail && VJ != null) Destroy(VJ);
else if (haveJail && !VJ.enabled) VJ.enabled = true;
public void UpdateServerRoleCaptureClientRpc(bool playerCoporNot, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default)
if (IsOwner) return;
playerCop = playerCoporNot;
if (!playerCoporNot && WC != null) Destroy(WC);
else if (playerCoporNot && !WC.enabled) WC.enabled = true;
if (!playerCoporNot && captureCol != null) Destroy(captureCol);
So :Using the Unity NGO documentation and checking whether it’s the server or the owner, nothing happens.
On the other hand, if I don’t follow the Unity documentation, and don’t try to send only the Rpc call to the targeted client, then I can expect it to work for the host only.
My question is this:
Did I make a mistake in my code by following the documentation provided by Unity, which would explain why it doesn’t work ?
Or does the problem come from somewhere else in my code?
If you need more information to help me solve my problem I’ll provide it.
I’ve been stalling and trying different solutions for over 3 weeks now, but I’m really starting to despair!