Last night I installed Unity 4.5 and several issues cropped up, and after searching all night and day I can’t find any relevant posts anywhere.
for some reason I can no longer modify certain settings in PlayerSettings like “Default Is Full Screen”, “Default Screen Width”(and height) and “Display Resolution Dialog”. They are not greyed out, but the instant I change them, they revert back to what they were.
I no longer get the Unity launcher after building and launching my game, it immediately launches the game in full screen. I suspect this is related to the first issue with PlayerSettings.
It seems like if I have the opened the editor and try to launch a build, I get a blackscreen (though the game is running; I can hear the action happening behind the blackscreen), even if I close the editor first. I have to restart Windows to be able to play the build. I don’t have the blackscreen while playing in the editor.
In case it’s relevant, I also installed the latest 0.4.0 Oculus Rift runtimes and unity package. I had some trouble installing them at first, and the new version runs a service in windows for handling the Oculus.
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated; I’ve run out of ideas.
In the end I had to revert back to 4.3.4f1. Fortunately I was able to convert my project back. Once I submit my project I will try again, but I only have a week left before going back to my day job and I already lost 2 days trying to get 4.5 to work.
If you have any suggestions in the meantime, I’d appreciate it, otherwise I’ll update this post when I try again.
I’m having this exact same problem.
I always hesitate to “upgrade” something for fear of these anomalies popping up. and true enough… they have.
I had the older Unity, then yesterday downloaded the release version of 4.5 and installed,
Now I can’t choose:
“default is full screen” (.ie the button is clickable but no check mark comes up)
and in Standalone player options, cant choose
“Display Resolution Dialog” to any option except the one that is already there -’ Hidden by default’
Secondly, I’m using Unity with the Oculus Rift (DK1) and when unity builds the game it does not come up with the options screen…/ splash screen etc… it just launches the exe in a maximized Window.
Any solutions?
also the same issue faced by the OP of this thread:
I no longer get the Unity launcher after building and launching my game, it immediately launches the game in full screen. I suspect this is related to the first issue with PlayerSettings.
I’ve done a clean unistall of Unity 4.5.2, (cleaned the regsitry, appdata preferences etc).
Reinstalled and I think i’ve found the problem might be with the Oculus rift 0.3 Unity sdk.
I say this, because if I start a new project where the Oculus asset is not imported… then build settings let’s you chose fullscreen etc in build preferences.
Time to take up the issue with oculus rift.
Ok so it seems somehow related to the Oculus asset? That’s pretty weird, I wonder what is going on in the YAML? If someone has a project which is currently in this state where you can’t toggle, please submit it with the bug reporter so QA can check it out (and post the bug ID in this thread).
Apparently this is intentional This strikes me as ridiculous overkill to supress the entire launcher, including input mapping, just to prevent people entering resolution settings that will simply be ignored by _DirectToRift.exe.
by vrdaveb » Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:09 pm
“budwheizzah wrote:We kind of rely on that little input tab that’s pre made and ready to go… but I understand where Oculus stand: between a rock and a hard place that sucks. I can’t build one that produces a launcher that offers only the one correct resolution. This thing really wants to give the user variety that will cause things to not work at all.”
Sorry for the trouble here. As you pointed out, we suppress the resolution dialog because most aspects of it need to be locked down for VR to work. We chose to suppress it rather than let the user pick settings that would be ignored by _DirectToRift.exe. Is there any chance you could lock down your input mappings for VR builds or use a third-party input manager from the asset store? There are a number of free ones that may work for your app. It’s definitely not a good long-term solution to have your users hold ALT at startup (or modify OVRShimLoader) and tell them their display settings will be ignored.
budwheizzah wrote:The other problem I’m facing is the launcher res options are still relevant for the non-vr build of my game.
For now, I would recommend separate builds for VR and non-VR versions of your game.
budwheizzah wrote:So note to the Oculus guys… the checkbox setting starts acting up after you build a fresh project.
Thanks, we will get that fixed for the next release. For now, does it work to toggle the checkbox twice after creating a new project?