Hi everyone,
I am hoping that someone can help me further, I have reported this continuously to Unity over the last few months and am yet to have a working solution to this problem. But as it stands right now, I can’t deploy to the Windows Store in any fashion.
Here are my steps.
Have created the package name on the Windows Dev Centre, where I am the stage to upload the package.
Have build and run the game from Unity, as a Windows 10 Universal App and it compiles and runs fine.
Rebuild the game and then switch over to Visual Studio 2015 Community.
Associate the build with the store successfully.
Create package and it gets to the stage of running the report, but it fails with something about being a debug build.
Switch the IDE from Debug/Arm to Release or Master x86 and rebuild, builds fine.
try to create package and this is where the issues begin.
From this point onwards, I either get a message saying the GameName.dll can’t be found/referenced. Or I may get the following, with one for every image that Unity knows about.
App manifest references the image ‘Assets\StoreLogo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package.
So if I then delete the entire generated package and try to get Unity to rebuild and start again, I now continually get this message, no matter what.
I am at my wits end with this and Unity are not very helpful at this stage, in fact I have never heard back from them on this. So I am now here and hopefully someone with a bit more experience and knowledge can guide me in the right direction from this point onwards.
This is using the latest patch version released 30th Oct 2015, which I think is version 5.2.2p2 if I recall right.
I am not a guru at Visual Studio, so I maybe doing something wrong and just don’t know what I am doing.
Many thanks in advance
could you paste full output log from Visual studio of such failed build attempt?
Do you mean the what shows up in the console window in VS or Unity, as if I go back to Unity to tyr to rebuild I also get the same errors.
The ones that show up in VS.
I hope this is what you’re asking for.
This is when VS IDE is left in the state Unity creates it.
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\StoreLogo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest 8
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\MediumTile.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest 18
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\SmallLogo.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest 18
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\WideTile.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest 19
Error App manifest references the image ‘Assets\SplashScreen.png’ which does not have a candidate in main app package. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest 25
If I then switch VS IDE to Master/x86 I then get this.
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Manifest references file ‘Game Name.dll’ which is not part of the payload. Game Name C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest
Can you switch to “output” tab and paste text from there? It should contain more information.
Also, check these threads:
Looks like there’s a bug in one version of visual studio which makes it fail with that error. There are two workarounds: either update Visual Studio tools, or edit manifest manually.
1>------ Build started: Project: Game Name, Configuration: Master x86 ------
1> UnityInstallationDir “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor”.
1> UnityWSAPlayerDir “C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\metrosupport”.
1> UnityProjectDir “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name”.
1> Copying unprocessed assemblies…
1> Running AssemblyConverter…
1> AssemblyConverter done.
1> Game Name → C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\x86\Master\Game Name.exe
1> Starting .NET Native compilation
1> Processing application code
1> Computing application closure and generating interop code
1> Generating serialization code
1> Compiling interop code
1> Cleaning up unreferenced code
1> Generating native code
1> Generating fixups for native code
1>C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Game Name\Build\Windows 10 Universal\Game Name\Package.appxmanifest : error APPX0703: Manifest references file ‘Game Name.dll’ which is not part of the payload.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Package: 0 succeeded, 3 failed ===========
This is an issue with default splashes. Rename the images under assets such as:

Hello, I have the same issue, help please, Best regards…
See this: https://discussions.unity.com/t/711655
It’s a known issue but the workaround is simple: just change the .vcxproj file.
Hello, I’m using VisualStudio 2017 community 15.8.3 and I can’t find the workaround in the .vcxproj, Cheers…
You don’t see “ExcludeFromResourceIndex” tags when you open .vcxproj file with a text editor? It should right next to the files it errors out about.
Hello, I’m sorry but I haven’t found it, here’s the .vcxproj file, Cheers…
That’s the wrong .vcxproj file. Look for the one named after your project (I’m guessing uVolley.vcxproj?).
Ops, I’m sorry, you are right, is in the uVolley.vcxproj, I will try it immediatly, you are the Best, thank you, Cheers…
Yes, it’s works, the App Package was created, now I’m try to upload it to Windows Dev Center, Cheers…
Hello, my game doesn’t pass the Windows Dev Center submission, I don’t know what to do, please help, Best regards…
Unity version: Unity 2018.2.7f1
Unity Xbox Live plugin version: 1804 QFE 1 Release
Visual Studio 2017 version: 15.8.4
Do you have holographic remoting or VR enabled in build settings? Those DLLs are part of HoloLens remoting