Issues running built game on other PCs

Hello All,

I have recently completed a small demo for a game I am working on. After building it, the game runs no problem when I play it from the PC that built it. When I try to load the game on any other PC, certain UI elements are missing, making it impossible to play. Upon starting the game, the level up menu is opened and the player is given a choice between 3 weapons to choose from.

This is what the level up screen is supposed to look like:

And this is what it looks like when run on another PC:

I first though it was some issue with my save system, but after digging through it, I could not find anything there that would cause the buttons to not spawn.

I’m not sure what I could be missing. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. If you wish to view this issue first-hand, here is the download link: CaveBoi: Survivalist by OokumSpookum

First, check for errors in the device log. Google for how based on what platform(s) you’re running on.

Second, since it is UI, often the problem has to do with either anchoring or scaling.

Here are some notes on UI Anchoring, Scaling, CanvasScaler, etc:

Finally, this line:

Make sure you are not loading ANYTHING via System.IO.File related functions… that will never work for general assets in your project.

Either drag references in or use Resources.Load() but read the docs first on how.

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Thank you for the quick reply! Turned out to be an issue Canvas scaling. After some tinkering I got it working as intended

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