Issues spawning player

Hey all i am creating my own NetworkManager. When it comes to spawning the player it works how ever 2 players seem to spawn.

    void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkMessage mess)
        Debug.Log("Add player: " + mess.conn);
        GameObject thePlayer = (GameObject)Instantiate(Player, GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        foreach (Transform cam in thePlayer.transform)
            if(cam.tag == "MainCamera")
        NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(mess.conn, thePlayer, 0);



Any ideas as to why 2 players spawn and how to fix this issue.

Turn off Auto-Create Player in NetworkManager → Spawn Info.

I think you miss understood me. Im not using the network manager that comes with unity iv created my own. This code im showing is the code that spawns the player once connected.

Well, check to see if your code is iterating through each accumulated game objects you specified before and after the player prefab was added into the scene. Can’t emphasize enough to set breakpoints and use double debugging.