I’m having a super difficult time with some scripting I’m attempting to do.
I’m “re-skinning” the Unity’s Nightmares game using a car instead of a person. I changed the steering to use the new vehicle functionality scripts that came with Unity 5, and up until now everything had worked fine.
However, now that I try to add the PlayerHealth script, it has no effect. I thought that maybe PlayerHealth wasn’t working because it was trying to access PlayerMovement. So I changed PlayerHealth to be accessing the CarController script. Of course then I ran into dozens of various namespace issues.
When I finally resolved all the namespace issues…I had no errors, but it STILL didn’t work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I’m pretty much a complete newbie to doing any sort of scripting in Unity (or anything with Unity for that matter), so please explain answers and bear with the slow brain on my end