Issues When Building the Game for any Platforms

Have you guys faced this problem with Unity.
It happened for the first time to me.
When Im starting the game in the editor everything is working like charm.
But after Im building the game for PC/Android/Web/Ios a lot of objects are not showing, scripts that works in the editor not working when they are build. (((
The problem is that Im not getting any kinds of errors.
Im using Unity Free last version (

What I saw, is that when Im building the game with Build and Run for PC, for the first time when the game is starting everything is set up and working. But after I’m closing it and running again the .exe the issue happens again. ((

I dont know if this is a bug or not, but i find it very weird (

There is no such bug like this in Unity and it work almost perfect. Just an advice for your future development career : Always blame your self; never blame the computer or software you are using. Bugs are always rare and mostly they are detected and fixed long before you notice them (unless you are an experienced developer)

Your problem maybe because of some plugins you use or some editor code you wrote. Editor scripts only work in editor mode and they are not compiled to the final product. If you are referencing any editor code in the game code, the game code can’t be compiled since the editor code isn’t compiled when you try to build the game.

To be able to find what code or plugin causing this trouble, you should separate your projects into parts and try to find which part is reproducing the problem you are having.