Issues with Android App Icon

Hi all,

I’ve had multiple problems with trying to update the application icon in android. Specifically, I cannot get the application icon to install consistently on any of my test devices. My situation:

  • I build/install from the Unity Editor 2018.3.2.f1, to 3 different Android devices (2 Bluestacks Android 4.4, and one physical Samsung device Android 5.1)
  • I have the same issues with a small test project, and my main project
  • I have tried with a 512x512px image populated in all the Player Settings > Android > Icon > Default Icon, Adaptative Icon, Round Icon, and Legacy icons slots with the “preview” images all seem reasonable set in the editor
  • when I install the APK (manually, or via “Build and Run”), I rarely get a correct updated app icon; usually if I get a “version 1” icon installed, it doesn’t update to v2, or v3, although I can install the same APK and get different results on different devices :slight_smile:
  • when I try adding ‘android:icon=“@drawable/app_icon”’ to an AndroidManifest.xml override will consistently show a default “unity icon” for the app, but will switch back to an old version of my app icon if I remove the ‘android:icon=“@drawable/app_icon”’ override; I tried a few other overrides like “@mipmap/app_icon”
  • I’ve tried clearing Android caches, restarted, uninstalled/reinstalled, to no effect
  • I’ve tried setting all the icons to “none”, rebuilding/reinstalling, to no effect
  • the Editor.log build log seems to show all the icon images are acknowledged with some saying “Asset named {asset name} is skipped as no actual change”, and others with “Updating {asset name} - GUID: fbc9789435dbc4d4daa4a69fbbc43155… done. [Time: 402.437400 ms]”
  • the .APK build actually contains the icons as Android Studio seems to show the res > “mipmap-{xxxhdpi, …, ldpi}-v4” folders with 4 images with names containing app_icon, ic_launcher, though the AndroidManifest.xml file seems to have ‘android:icon=“@ref/0x7f090000”’ and not sure where a “@ref/0x7f090000” is :slight_smile:
  • When clearing the Android app cache, via Settings > App > {my application}, the new icon appears on that one screen, but not on the launcher screen, or the change process tabs

Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated. I’m at my wit’s end as I’m not sure if it’s one or multiple issues, let alone which component (Android install/cache, or Unity build) is causing the problem.

Hello there @unicorngtm,
it’s been a while. Just wanted to check if you found a solution?

I am facing the same issue. Everything looks OK inside Unity & Android Studio, but once on the device - unity’s logo is shown instead of my custom icon.
