com.unity.addressables 2.2.2 1.04
I will try this combination myself and get back to you. I suspect there may be some incompatibility with specific version. According to log after restart the main Addressables package is trying to use RemoteProvider instead of PlayAssetDeliveryAssetBundleProvider.
Thank you for helping. Really appreciate it.
Hope we can solve it soon, since it is blocking us from releasing at the moment.
After debugging with Boriss. We found out that in our specific case the issue was how we aproached getting the objects from addressables.
It turns out you cannot force the LoadAsync method for loading addressables to run synchonously while expecting the asset to be downloaded. It will just initiate the process and die out and freeze your app. (Cannot block main thread while the operation is ongoing)
After turning to async loading the assets it started working properly.