Issues with balance

It looks like there is a problem with the new payout system.
By the end of the January my balance was above 300 usd.
The payment on 29th January of 190.70 usd failed because of threshold.
But today on 18th February I recevied the same notification that 190.70 usd payment has failed.
Why amount is the same? I expected the next payment to include the last month earnings. Aren’t they supposed to sum up?
Here’s the screenshot.

There is one more thing that worries me. The invoice for 190.70 was issued for November only. In the balance section I only see the exact balance of $195.18 for December (accoring to the Archive section). It’s as if January earnings have disappeared. How is this possible?

What worries me more is that no one from Unity has clarified this. This really scared me.

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By the way, do you also have something similar on the payout history page as it is on my screenshot? I mean like two failed payout attempts with the same amount.

No. I only paid once in January, and it was successful. I’m using Local Bank Transfer. This month, there is still no payout yet.

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i am still not getting my payouts everything was smooth before but with this new tipalti system i am not getting paid

same for me my status is “Submitted”, and you ?