Issues with C# scripts for VR (Hover+Highlight w/ Raycast, & teleport to coordinates),Trouble making a VR hover over object highlight script plus teleport to coordinates.

Okay the goal here is to create a script, which will use a raycast to detect the surfaces I am aiming for.
When the VR controller is pointed at the specified object while the touchpad is being pressed, a laser will point and the object plane will highlight. When the touchpad is released, the user will teleport to specific coordinates per object the script is attached to.
I’m very new to this, the script below is some form of frankenstein scripting I put together, but of course has many errors.
The first error being the named class (LaserPointer) I was already using in another script so I changed it to (LaserHighlight). This caused a whole slew of errors because the script calls for a different class. Where must I make these changes? I did a ctrl+f of ‘LaserPointer’ and replaced them all with the new class name.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LaserHighlight : MonoBehaviour {

// 1
public Transform cameraRigTransform;
// 2
public Transform headTransform;
// 3
public LayerMask teleportMask;
// 4
private bool shouldTeleport;

private SteamVR_TrackedObject trackedObj;
private SteamVR_Controller.Device Controller
	get {return SteamVR_Controller.Input((internal)trackedObj.indexer);}
void Awake()
	trackedObj = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();
// 1 
public GameObject laserPrefab;
// 2 
private GameObject laser;
// 3 
private Transform laserTransform;
// 4
private Vector3 hitPoint;
private void ShowLaser(RaycastHit hit)
	// 1
	// 2
	laserTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(trackedObj.transform.position, hitPoint, .5f);
	// 3
	// 4
	laserTransform.localScale = new Vector3(laserTransform.localScale.x, laserTransform.localScale.y, hit.distance);
public class HighlightScript : MonoBehaviour {
	private Color startcolor; // script for highlight color
		private void ShowLaser(RaycastHit hit)
			startcolor = renderer.material.color;
			renderer.material.color =;
		void OnMouseExit() // possibly incorrect method
			renderer.material.color = startcolor;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// 1
		laser = Instantiate(laserPrefab);
		// 2
			laserTransform = LaserHighlight.transform;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
			// 1
			if (ControllerStyle.GetPress (SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad)) {
				RaycastHit hit;

				// 2
				if (Physics.Raycast (SteamVR_TrackedObject.transform.position, Transform.forward, out hit, 100, teleportMask)) {
					hitPoint = hit.point;
					ShowLaser (hit);
			} else { // 3
				LaserHighlight.SetActive (false);
			if (Controller.GetPressUp (SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad) && shouldTeleport) {
				SteamVR_Teleporter ();
		private void Teleport()
			// 1 
			shouldTeleport = false;
			// 2
			Vector3 difference = cameraRigTransform.position - headTransform.position;
			// 3
			difference.y = 0;
			cameraRigTransform.position = destination.position;

Here is the full original script after I worked on it:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class HighlightTeleport : MonoBehaviour {
	private Color startcolor; 
	public Transform cameraRigTransform;
	public Transform headTransform;
	public LayerMask teleportMask; // layer mask to filter out objects that do not trigger the script
	private bool shouldTeleport; 
	public Renderer m_ObjectRenderer; 
	public Material m_Material;
	public Transform destination;
	private SteamVR_TrackedObject trackedObj;
	private SteamVR_Controller.Device Controller
		get {return SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)trackedObj.index);}
	void Awake()
		trackedObj = GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject>();
		destination = GetComponent<Transform> ();
	// 1
	public GameObject laserPrefab;
	// 2
	private GameObject laser;
	// 3
	private Transform laserTransform;
	// 4
	private Vector3 hitPoint;

	void ShowLaser(RaycastHit hit)
		// 1
		laser.SetActive(true); // show laser
		// 2
		laserTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(trackedObj.transform.position, hitPoint, .5f); //position laser between hit point and controller
		// 3
		laserTransform.LookAt(hitPoint); //point laser at the raycast hit point
		// 4
		laserTransform.localScale = new Vector3(laserTransform.localScale.x, laserTransform.localScale.y, hit.distance); //scale laser to fit between points

	void Start () 
		m_ObjectRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>(); //fetch the gameobjects renderer component
		m_Material = GetComponent<Renderer>().material; //fetch the material from the renderer of the gameobject
		m_ObjectRenderer.material.color = startcolor; //change the Gameobjects material color to startcolor
		// 1
		laser = Instantiate(laserPrefab); //spawn a new laser and save a reference to it in laser
		// 2
		laserTransform = laser.transform; //store the laser's transform component
	void Update ()
		// 1
		if (Controller.GetPressDown (SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad))
			RaycastHit hit;

		// 2
		if (Physics.Raycast (trackedObj.transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 100, teleportMask)) 
			hitPoint = hit.point;
			ShowLaser (hit);
				shouldTeleport = true; //if the laser hits an object on the correct layer mask, allow teleportation
				m_Material.color =; //if the laser hits an object on the correct layer mask, change that objects color to red.
		if (Controller.GetPressUp (SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad) && shouldTeleport) {
			Teleport ();
		} else {
			(laser.SetActive (false)); //hide the laser when the touchpad is released or if the raycast does not hit
			RaycastHit null;
			Material = startcolor;
	private void Teleport()
		shouldTeleport = false;
		Vector3 difference = cameraRigTransform.position - headTransform.position; //calculate the difference between the positions of the camera rig's center and the player's head.
		difference.y = 0; //reset the y-position for the above difference to 0, because the calculation doesn't consider the vertical position of the player's head.
		cameraRigTransform.position = destination.position + difference;