Issues with Custom Camera Projection

So I have been trying to write my own custom camera projection inspired by this article: Adding some perspective to your Unity 2D game.. Basically want to make a 3D scene look 2D without distorting the sprites. Seems like this implementation was written for HDRP so I tried adapting it to UDRP like so:

using Cinemachine;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class CameraScript : MonoBehaviour
    private Camera _camera;
    public Vector4 up = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0);

    public bool _resetMatrixOnEnd;

    private void Start()
        _camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        _camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic;
    // Start is called once before the first execution of Update after the MonoBehaviour is created
    private void OnEnable()
        RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += OnBeginCameraRendering;
        RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering += OnEndCameraRendering;


    private void OnDisable()
        RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= OnBeginCameraRendering;
        RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering -= OnEndCameraRendering;

    private void OnBeginCameraRendering(ScriptableRenderContext scriptableRenderContext, UnityEngine.Camera camera)
        if (camera == _camera && camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game)

    private void OnEndCameraRendering(ScriptableRenderContext scriptableRenderContext, UnityEngine.Camera camera)
        if (camera == _camera && camera.cameraType == CameraType.Game && _resetMatrixOnEnd)

    private void SetMatrix(UnityEngine.Camera camera)
        var matrix = camera.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

        // since Unity uses OpenGL's view matrix conventions we have to flip the output z-value.
        matrix.SetRow(2, -matrix.GetRow(2));

        matrix.SetColumn(2, 1e-3f * matrix.GetColumn(2) - up);
        camera.worldToCameraMatrix = matrix;

    public static Matrix4x4 ScreenToWorldMatrix(Camera cam)
        // Make a matrix that converts from screen coordinates to clip coordinates.
        var rect = cam.pixelRect;
        var viewportMatrix = Matrix4x4.Ortho(rect.xMin, rect.xMax, rect.yMin, rect.yMax, -1, 1);

        // The camera's view-projection matrix converts from world coordinates to clip coordinates.
        var vpMatrix = cam.projectionMatrix * cam.worldToCameraMatrix;

        // Setting column 2 (z-axis) to identity makes the matrix ignore the z-axis.
        // Instead you get the value on the xy plane.
        vpMatrix.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0));

        // Going from right to left:
        // convert screen coords to clip coords, then clip coords to world coords.
        return vpMatrix.inverse * viewportMatrix;

    public Vector2 ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector2 point)
        return ScreenToWorldMatrix(_camera).MultiplyPoint(point);


While it looks correct in game, the issue comes when trying to get the camera to follow the player. I currently just have to camera as a child of the player object. You can see the issue here:

2025-02-04 19-25-02 (2)

Basically, as the player and camera move along the z-axis, the camera moves in and out instead of following the player due to the changes I made to the camera projection. Any ideas on a way to handle this? Would like to be able to get an effect like this working.