I’m sure I’m having these issues out of ignorance but I have a few questions…
Does 5.1 support DK1? If not, that is my problem…
How does 5.1 automagically handle the two camera setup that used to exist in the oculus sdk based on one camer? Are there any special considerations? When I look through my rift the left eye looks really off, it doesn’t look like it’s working at all.
Do we connect to the UnityEngine.VR in order to get the movement of the kit?
Unity 5.1 only works with the DK1 if you are on Oculus Runtime 0.5 and using the Oculus Legacy Plugin. Oculus is resolving the DK1 issue in the 0.6 runtime.
Internally we create two child eyes for the positions of the camera’s left and right eye. You can access these transforms using the VRSettings. There are no special considerations though. Once you enable Virtual Reality Supported in the player settings, every camera will automatically be setup. If something seems off, make sure the Oculus Demo Scene in the configuration utility is rendering properly. If it is, try creating a new Unity Scene and enabling the player setting. Then Run in the Editor. It should display with ipd set to your Oculus Configuration.
Your cameras will automatically be head tracked. However, if you would like to move the camera in the Scene, make the camera a child of another object and then move the Parent around the scene.
Hi, I used Unity 5.1 and tried Oculus Rift Runtime and 0.6 (one at a time), but neither of them work with my DK1. The Win_OculusUnityDemoScene.exe downloaded before seems to work fine, but the projects in Unity lost focus for both eyes. I only installed the runtime program (oculus_runtime_sdk_0.6.0.0_win.exe) and didn’t import the OculusUnityIntegration.unitypackage, and enabled the “Virtual Reality Supported” option in Unity.
I opened the “Oculus Configuration Utility” program of both versions (0.6 and, both said “No HMD Detected, No Tracker Connected”, so the button “Show Demo Scene” is also disabled. Even though the DK1 can see my desktop and work with “Win_OculusUnityDemoScene.exe”
Unity 5.2f1 beta works with a DK1 on Oculus Rift Runtime Just make sure to switch your displays from duplicate to extend in the Screen Resolution configuration panel on Windows. Also, double check your Device Manager to make sure you don’t have any improperly configured devices.
Create a unity project & scene.
Remove the default camera.
Import the Asset - \OculusUnityIntegration\OculusUnityIntegration.unitypackage
In the Project folder > Assets > OVRs > Prefab > Drop the Player Prefab onto the scene.
Hit play.