I’m trying to switch IDEs now because as I find myself writing larger scripts, having the ability of code folding would be really nice, which Monodevelop doesn’t support. I’ve tried using Notepad++, but every time I try to open a .js file made in Monodevelop, I get an error message saying “Session file is either corrupted or invalid”. Is this because it doesn’t like Unityscript?
I’ve posted this in the forums for Notepad++ support as well. Not sure if it’s a Unityscript issue or a Notepad++ issue.
“having the ability of code folding would be really nice, which Monodevelop doesn’t support”
It supports code folding pretty well IMO, at least with C#.
Also, you could try ATOM?
It’s available for both Windows and Mac at least.
I just tried UnityScript code from manual, and it seems to be doing class and function level folding just fine…
I’ve personally like Notepad++ since I’ve used it years, but UI customization and menu options are pretty outdated, most likely because how it’s built, but most annoying is the fact that once you try ATOM or something similar, fonts and styles look just so much better, although it might be a bit slower overall with large files.
notepad++ reads any normal text file (regardless of extension)…
I just tested notepad++ and it opened files just fine (either through notepad++ itself, or by opening through unity when selecting it as my editor in preferences).
Though not sure why you’d want to use Notepad++, since all it will give you is code highlighting. It’s not a full fledged IDE… unless you don’t care about having the various features an IDE gives.
I would personally suggest Visual Code (not Visual Studio), include this asset in your project and it gives full debug support and what not:
I just open any .js file in N++ (either from with N++ or from File Explorer) and it says it upon opening. If I change extension from .js to .txt it opens fine. But even if I save a file from N++ to .js and try to reopen it, it gives the error.
So that message has to do with the session.xml file in your appdata folder for Notepad++. It’s what keeps track of what files you’re currently editing, highlights, and other stuff like that. This way if you close and reopen N++, it has the same session.
If this file is malformed, it can’t be loaded.
It usually doesn’t have to do with the file you’re opening, but rather N++ itself.
have you tried opening N++ just on its own?
Try clearing out the session file in your appdata folder for N++.