Issues with publishing updates to my project

Hello, I have started making my microkart game following the tutorial. I have worked on it for several nights and each night have added more assets and tweaks and the like. However each time I try to publish an updated version of my game, it only turns out to be the original published build that was set up during the tutorial. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

It sounds like you’re not replacing the original with the new build. You’d need to detail what your publishing process is before anyone could speculate further where the process may be breaking down.

When im done with an update, I go to Publish>WebGL. I hit create new build. Remove the old build. Publish the new build I have just created. Then there is still no difference

Again, can’t speculate without specific details. I’d focus your attention first on whatever the steps are you mean by this:

That’s really strange, did you find out how to fix this problem?