Hey I been having some issues with my maya models when I import them into Unity again. In Maya, i had a great texture that had transparency in it. I applied it to my model in maya, and it looked great. (it’s a pane of galss, by the way). When I got it into unity, and put on the texture, any transparent parts just came out as white.
Is there a specific way/format I should export as from Maya at all? If that’s not it, then how can I keep my ultra-cool transparent galss window?
Did you switch the shader of the material to: Transparent/Diffuse? (In Unity)
That’s the first thing you have to do.
Also, your transparent texture and your diffuse texture will have to be combined because Unity uses the alpha channel from the diffuse texture for transparency(easy to do with photoshop, just add another channel to the diffuse texture and copy the transparent one there, then save as .tif or some other format that supports alpha channel)
ok thanks, i’ll definitely give this a shot