It is legal to use Unity Pro for free (Cracked / Hacked) ?

It is legal to use Unity Pro for free and publish the game on Steam and what will hapend if i publish it ?

It’s obviously ilegal to use the cracked version of Unity Pro and publish a game… I think it’s even ilegal to use it even if you don’t publish anything.

I guess that what could (not will, could) happen is that Unity Technologies could get in contact with you to ask you to legalize your situation or, in the worst case, sue you. And you’re probably not prepared for that, it will cost you more than the pro licence.

Just use the free version and accept that you’ll see the splash screen that says “Personal Edition”, or pay for the Plus or Pro licenses, or use another engine. I don’t mean the last bit as some kind of insult, if you really can’t pay for the license and really don’t want the default splash you should probably be trying other engines, there are really good engines with completelly free licenses without restrictions.

Using it is not legal: becouse u didn’t pay money.
Putting it out on steam I guess, it may really make a difference. The consumer wont notice…
BUT! You are making money by using an unpaid program. So i would sugest u at least buy it before you publish it.

(Short answer: NOT LEGAL, but u can still post it on steam if you at least buy the pro version.)