It seems like the Unity editor is stuck in an infinite loop while creating a Blackboard variable

I’m creating a new event on the Blackboard. It’s been like this for over 7 minutes…

After restarting Unity editor, I got this.
Not a script, but a folder.


It happens again… Cannot create an Event channel on my Blackboard.


Sorry for this issue! A fix is in the works and will be available for 1.0.7 which should hopefully come out next week.

For now as a workaround you can enable Use Separate Save Folders in the project settings

I was thinking about giving up using Behavior…
Now I have created an Event Channel. Thank you.

I’m sorry I introduced this bug when adding this feature :sweat_smile: Thank you for giving us a chance and I hope we can improve your experience with Unity overall with this tool.

Please keep the feedback coming, we really appreciate it!

If you encounter this issue again you can untick the Save Last Save Location and edit the textbox to remove the [filename].cs that gets added due to the bug. It should only be the case for enums and event channels.

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Just to update you that my fix is currently in review and should be ready and hopefully released next week on Wednesday.

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