It there anyway to move float smoothly from 0 to 1


I’m doing car game racing now mobile control UI and i use buttons in UI
when i click UI button to move wheel right or left rotate faster and not smoothly turn.

code im using basic
I tried to make * Time.deltaTime not works too
I need when click UI change the float value to 1 or -1 smoothly and not fast

thanks for any replay

public float SteeringInput;

public void steerleft()
	SteeringInput = -1f;

public void steerup()
	SteeringInput = 0f;

public void steerright()
	SteeringInput = 1f;

You may use Mathf.Lerp to make a smooth transition (interpolate) between two values. Try the example code in the documentation to learn how it works.

Other similar methods to interpolate smoothly between values are:

Check out the Mathf class in the scripting API for other useful methods.