Item Animation upon interaction while picking it up

Hello Everyone! hope ya’ll are having a good day!

I’m super new to unity and have been trying to find any learning resources or scripts that can do like I mentioned in the title. I have an fps script and Grabit script on my camera already placed for walking around in first person and holding objects, rotating objects and throwing them.
What I wanted now was to interact with already held object and let them play tiny animation, for example if holding a pen object, if a button is pressed you can see the pen clicking animation. or if you’re holding a book you can press the trigger button to see the flipping page animation.
Please let me know if you guys know any resources or scripts that I can follow for the type of effect I want.

Thanks in Advance !

For a character, you can play any animation at any time. The animation needs to be in the character’s animator controller. Then you can call Animator.Play

you objects with no animator controller, you can try: