item being dragged is invisible

I have written the code for dragging an object.
It works but the thing is the object disappears while it is being dragged.
How can i get it visible on dragging part?

help me guys.

function OnDrag (eventData :PointerEventData)
        var screenPoint = Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y,Input.mousePosition.z);
        screenPoint.z = 10.0f;
        transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
        Debug.Log (Input.mousePosition.x + " " + Input.mousePosition.y +" "+ itemDragged.transform.localPosition);

this made it.

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If you are dragging a 3D object it may just be a problem of the mouse using different coordinates than things in the 3D “world”. I have had this same problem on many of my projects as well

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